Tuesday, January 22, 2008

We're in Guangzhou!

October 15, 2005

Hi all!! Ling Ling's first flight went very well, she was grinning from ear to ear the entire time and was very excited about the whole thing. We arrived late last night to the Phoenix Hotel and wowsa, what a place. It makes the White Swan look like a Motel 6, and I'm not kidding about that! It reminds me of a resort like the Bellagio or Venetian in Vegas, everything is very European and elegant. The breakfast buffet was pure heaven, and I look forward to pigging out there again for the next several days. :)

First thing this morning, we went to Shamian Island (about a 50 minute drive) to get Ling Ling's visa photo made, have her medical exam, and then had a quick lunch at Lucy's before heading back to the Phoenix. We are here with another couple, Sean and Mary Keohane, their 2 1/2 year old Chinese daughter, and their 2 new additions, 9 month old twins. Yeah, they've kind of got their hands full to say the least. Tomorrow, we plan to go to the amusement park here on the resort, and then Monday and Tuesday will be for shopping on the island and going to the jade and pearl markets.

Ling Ling continues to thrive and does not seem the least bit upset that Derek is missing in action. She and I are spending some great quality time together and I have to say that I am becoming more and more able to understand what she is saying to me in Mandarin. I can't always repeat it, but I understand when she says that she is hungry, thirsty, needs to go to the bathroom (and am amazed to watch her use the squatty potties), wants to be picked up, or needs help with something. She is also understanding more and more in English. She holds my hand everywhere we go and gives me lots of hugs and kisses. Derek taught her the sign for I love you and we flash that to each other often. She can also say I love you in English, and I guess that's my favorite thing she says so far. :) The Holt staff have all been quite impressed with her progress with us and she tells them all that she is very happy with her new family. I can't imagine how things could be going any better for us at this point and feel so blessed to have this little girl in my life. I can't wait for you all to meet her.

Thanks for the prayers for Derek, aside from his slight mishap in Nanning, he made it to LA fine and will be heading home to Texas very soon. Get that Dr. Pepper cold for me honey and give my sweet kids a big hug from Mommy!!

I promise to gets pics posted soon!

Talk to you all soon,
Marla, Ling Ling and PoPo

Our ridiculously fancy hotel:
First purchase in GZ
Medical exam:
Got her passport, yay!
Hanging out at the Phoenix

1 comment:

Dawn S. said...

I love your trip photos!! Ling Ling looks like a very happy, strong girl!!