Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Fun facts about Ling Ling

October 13, 2005

There are several things I keep forgetting to mention that I wanted to share about our Ling Ling. First, she seems to be truly
ambidextrous. We have seen her eat with both hands, and last night she was coloring with both as well. She would switch from hand to hand depending on which side of the page she was coloring on. She seems to prefer her right for actual writing, but uses both easily for everything else.

She knows the ABC song and can count to 5 with ease in English. She was apparently learning these in school here and nearly knocked our socks off last night when she busted in the ABC song without prompting. She loves to sing and dance, and knows the words to almost every song on the Chinese children's CD we brought with us. We have some excellent video of her singing quite boisterously.

She likes to squat by the side of the sink when she brushes her teeth. Now this is a sight to behold, she gets up on the counter, squats down, with a cup of water in one hand and the brush in the other and rinses and spits about 20 times for one brushing session. I have to get that on video soon, it's quite funny.

She knows how to braid and could probably be doing a better job of her own hair than I am doing now. She can sit for half an hour at a time and style her Barbie's hair. She pulls hers back and puts it in a ponytail when we take it down for the night if she's trying to color or play because it really seems to bother her if it gets in her face. She's got the most gorgeous head of hair I think I've ever seen. It never tangles, even when soaking wet. I think I'm going to need to take a class in how to style it and will definitely be getting up a little earlier just to have ample "hair time". :)

Lastly, she's already lost her first tooth!! It looks like it just came out a few days at most before we met her. I am glad to know we won't be missing any more of her milestones.

Love y'all!


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