Tuesday, January 22, 2008

We have her VISA!

October 18, 2005

Whew, it's done, we are officially ready to leave this place and head for home! We shopped all day long (we had to buy an extra suitcase to be able to get it all packed, hehe!), then had Ling Ling's consulate appt this afternoon. She raised her hand proudly, tried to even say the words to the oath along with me, then yelled something to the effect of "Now we get to go home and see Daddy!" when it was over.

She's had a great day today, and I am amazed at how well she is understanding me. The girl loves to shop, and I think she managed to charm every shop owner on Shamian Island. They all said she was a very good girl and were impressed with how much English she is already understanding. She picked out some very pretty things, and was very mindful to remember to also pick out things for her big brother and little sis. She picked up some paper dragons and asked the lady in the shop for 4 so that even Baby Jack would have one. She totally understands that we only have one more night here, and is very excited to see mom and I packing up bags tonight. We have talked of little else but daddy, fei ji (airplane), and home today. I know somewhere in her heart, she will be sad to leave her country, but right now she is so focused on seeing her new country that it doesn't seem to bother her. I had the guide explain to her that we will be on the fei ji for quite a long time before we see Daddy, and she said she understood and that someone had already told her that it took 2 days to get to the United States. :)

Happy Anniversary tomorrow to my sweet hubby, I can't believe it's been 14 years already. I'm sorry that I will be spending our entire anniversary on an airplane, but I'm bringing you the best gift I can think of!! I love you and can't wait to see you.

To my Feb Lovebugs, I will be on the plane during chat, so y'all be nice and behave yourselves in my absence, ha!

To my DSPTC buddies, I'm glad the tournament is over, and it sounds like you guys did a great job. See, you didn't need me that bad after all! ;)

Well, we're off to bed soon, so good night for the last time from Guangzhou. I will probably post once more before we leave tomorrow since we will be here until about 5pm.

We love y'all!
Marla, Ling Ling, and PoPo

Goofing off at the White Swan

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